
shanghai dance studio-lunastudio(露娜专业舞蹈会所)

发表于 2013-7-2 12:58:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lunastudio(露娜专业舞蹈会所)力邀著名美国Mambo salsa大师Sean加盟,双方强强联手,共同打造行业国际品牌!用一种前所未有的崭新观念和理论,力求改变现在内地舞蹈的发展低迷状况,也希望影响其它艺术界别甚至世界生活的价值取向。
       美国salsa大师Sean,出生于美国纽约,从小学习音乐,后考入和毕业于世界顶级的音乐学院-美国茱丽亚音乐学院,主修歌剧。 在毕业后,Sean以其在舞蹈上的不可思议的天赋 成为了世界最著名的SALSA (沙沙) 表演艺术公司ABAKUA的主要成员. 他也是世界大师 Frankie Martinez 的优秀的门生。Sean先后被邀请到世界很多国家进行巡回表演和教授强训班(Workshops)其中包括:英国,西班牙,德国,波多利加(Puerto Rico)日本,韩国和墨西哥等. 除了拉丁SALSA 舞以外,他非常精通和擅长于非洲古巴舞,非洲海地舞,弗拉明戈,阿根廷探戈,爵士,国标拉丁舞, 芭蕾等等。他是位舞蹈家,歌唱家,更是个教学和编舞的的世界级大师。是近年来世界上不可多得的全能艺术家!他为拉丁美洲和非洲加勒比音乐和舞蹈在世界的传播作出了很大的贡献。
       上海,作为中国面向世界的窗口,是中国内地的经济、金融中心,更成为文化、艺术的风向标。他们吸收着来自全球各地的文化气息,拥有更多的探索机遇。语言,和音乐舞蹈一样,是重要的交流工具,也是打开国际化艺术之门的钥匙。“舞步无国界,交流无障碍”是现代舞蹈发展的潮流,Lunastudio(露娜专业舞蹈会所)更是提供了这样独一无二的国际化学习环境,拥有一个充满激情活力的国际化教师团队,并与国际知名舞蹈品牌合作课程教学、研发和年轻艺术家的扶持开发计划。Lunastudio(露娜专业舞蹈会所)面向所有国籍的成年人和少年儿童来学习交流,Sean的全部课程使用双语教学,让所有国籍的成年人和少年儿童更直接地了解当代全球舞蹈的魅力。中西方文化理念的融合,正体现了Lunastudio “整合一流,服务主流”的品牌经营理念。

        Luna Studio, the professional dance club, has partnered up with Sean, A professional Salsa Mambo dance instructor and performer from US, to join its club. Together they unite as one powerful team to build up brand recognition internationally. Their unprecedented new concepts and dance theories will definitely stimulate the current stagnation of the Mainland dancing industry.
     Sean was born in New York and studied music from childhood. He was later admitted and graduated from the world’s top music school – Juilliard School of Music, majoring in opera. Sean is also gifted with an incredible talent to dance. He has become a major member of ABAKUA, the Salsa performing Arts Company. He was taught by the greatest Master of the profession, Frankie Martinez, and he has been invited by many countries to perform and hold workshops. These counties include: England, Spain, Germany, Puerto Rico, Japan, Korea, and Mexico. In addition to Latin Salsa, he is very proficient and specializes in African-Cuban dance, Haitian dance,Flamenco, Argentine Tango, Jazz, GB Latin dance, ballet, etc. He is a dancer, singer, teacher, and choreographer. He is a rare and comprehensive artist. His Latin American and African Caribbean music and has spread all over the world.
      Shanghai is an economic and financial center and the center of culture and arts in China. Shanghai is also China’s window to the outside world, a place that collects and explores a variety of cultures from around the world. Language, music and dance are the tools of communication, and the keys to opening the door of arts  internationally. Today, there are no boundaries in modern dance.
      Luna Studio will provide a unique learning environment, with a team of passionate and dynamic teachers offering research and development programs to support young artists. Luna Studio is for adults and children of all nationalities to participate in. all of Sean’s classes are bilingual and easy to understand. The integration of Eastern and Western cultures is Luna Studio’s primary goal as a company.
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